Arkaitz Etxezarreta, new CEO of ERREKA
The Erreka cooperative has entered a new phase with the appointment of Arkaitz Etxezarreta (Oñati, 1980) as the cooperative’s Managing […]

ERREKA joins forces with the startup DARWIN Biomed to promote its Health line.
Photograph of the agreement between Erreka and Darwin Biomed, from left to right, Gorka Mendiaraz, ERREKA Health Business Director, Adrian Jiménez, CEO of Darwin Biomed and Lander Sagarna, Erreka’s Director of Innovation and New Developments.

Erreka presented its innovative Erreka Digital Bolt technology at the WindEurope trade fair.
The engineering solutions developed by Erreka’s Smart Fastening business are playing a key role in the maintenance of existing wind […]

ERREKA, technological partner for the scientific experiment DUNE
The search for fundamental answers about the nature of the universe and its composition is at the epicentre of the […]

ERREKA has participated in the official mission organised by the Basque Government to Japan.
A Basque delegation led by Basque Premier Iñigo Urkullu and Basque Councillor Arantxa Tapia has visited Japan over the last […]

ERREKA inaugurates its new subsidiary in Colombia
Diversification and internationalization are two strategic objectives for Erreka, an industrial cooperative integrated into MONDRAGON Corporation, as reflected in the […]

ERREKA closes a deal for 2,500 automatic platform screen doors in Brazil
This is Erreka’s largest project on the South American market. TransBrasil is a mass transit project currently under construction […]

ERREKA participates in the MONDRAGON Corporation’s “Hospitality” corporate project.
It is an intercooperation project that integrates 9 cooperatives, in order to collaborate strategically in the hotel, tourism and silver […]