Management systems policies

Erreka is a global company, internationally competitive in the sectors in which it operates.
sectors in which it operates.

Erreka is aware of the importance of quality, safety, energy management and respect for the environment, integrates the aforementioned areas into its management system.

Erreka defines the challenges of the strategic period, objectives and indicators, in parallel with the mission, vision and values during the strategic reflection.

Erreka, taking into account the points mentioned above, defines its management policy and subscribes to the following commitments management policy and subscribes to the following commitments:

  • To establish quality, safety, energy and environmental management as strategic elements and continuous improvement in the operation of the company.
  • To comply with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements, and to comply with other requirements to which the organisation subscribes, including the requirements of the norms, standards and models ISO 9001, ISO 13485, IATF 16949, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001 and ISO 27001.
  • To ensure the sustainable development of its business activity.
  • To understand the needs and expectations of its customers in order to increase their satisfaction.
  • Identify and eliminate hazards, control risks and ensure the prevention of damage and deterioration of the health of the people who make up the company.
  • To protect and promote the safety, health and well-being of its employees in and outside the workplace, to ensure the sustainability of its working environment and to participate positively in the community.
  • To consult and promote the participation of workers’ representatives in matters related to the prevention of occupational risks.
  • Protect the environment and prevent pollution to reduce harmful environmental impacts. Support the procurement of products and services and the development of energy-efficient designs, products and processes.
  • Ensure the availability of the information and resources necessary to achieve the objectives.
  • To develop training and awareness programmes and create a working environment that facilitates the participation of the people who make up Erreka in the achievement of the challenges and objectives and in the decision-making process of the management system.
  • To maintain channels of communication in order to be aware of the sensitivities of the stakeholders.
  • To focus efforts on the continuous improvement of the management system and the processes that constitute it, considering each and every one of the matters to improve its performance.
  • Support the acquisition of energy-efficient products and services that have an impact on energy performance.

    April 2024 General Management / Governing Board